I am a beginner in taijiquan from Prague. A friend recommended me to come to this seminar to Nuernberg. I liked Dietmars teaching method, his clear explanations and presentations of basic taijiquan principles. I must say I was really surprised to learn that the power used and trained in taijiquan is not coming from the muscles but from the tendons and sinews. In partner exercises I realized how the power from one person is transported to the other. I was not sure if one day seminar can help me to understand taijiquan better.
Now I feel I know where I should put my focus and how to actually start to learn taijiquan. I like the approach based on developing first the understanding of the basic principles, the repeated practice of the elementary movements in basic positions and stances. This builds good basics for the learning of individual images in the forms later.
/K. Kamila
The Tai Chi seminar with Dietmar took place the whole day bringing a diverse group of people together. We learned about basic techniques, and how they are the essential foundations for any serious and sustainable practice. This built up knowledge and understanding through in-depth explanations and iteratively practice. In doing this, we could grasp that the techniques that seem simple can be very challenging and advanced indeed. It felt like gaining an understanding from several perspectives, while working through various practices in several exercises, alone, in synchrony, and with partner steps called “Tui Yi Bu“.
To conclude, what we could take home with us were for example:
– what lies behind Tai Chi practice and what principles it is built upon
– a memory of correct positioning
– correct alignment of movements
– synchronizing and correctly timing twisting and turning of arms
– re-learning natural movements, and walking exercises as in them ultimately lies more efficiency and stability
– coordination of body parts
– the interconnectedness of anatomical reality both static and dynamic
– different human muscular systems and for what they are naturally to be used
Im sure it’s hard for Sintaclaas (Holland) to make me happy today. But I let him know a
little of them we have learned. Hopefully it will be an inspiration for giving a wonderful present to somebody next year!
/V. van Zyl-Bulitta